Holiday in the Vineyards is a 2023 Netflix Christmas rom-com that tells the story of a single mother, Val (Sol Rodriguez), struggling to keep her family’s vineyard afloat. When her corporate rival, Carter (Josh Swickard), is sent undercover to buy the vineyard, he falls for Val and her family.

The film contains everything you’d expect from a Christmas rom-com: beautiful scenery, heartwarming moments, and a predictable but satisfying plot. Rodriguez and Swickard have great chemistry, and their characters are relatable and likeable. The supporting cast, including Eileen Davidson as Carter’s scheming mother, is also excellent.

What I liked about Holiday in the Vineyards:

The chemistry between the leads, Rodriguez and Swickard, is a delight to watch together. They have great comedic timing, and their characters are funny and charming.

The setting: The film is shot in a beautiful wine country, which provides a stunning backdrop for the story.

The holiday cheer: Holiday in the Vineyards is full of the Christmas spirit, from the festive decorations to the heartwarming plot.

What I didn’t like about Holiday in the Vineyards:

The predictability: The plot is predictable, with no real surprises.

The lack of originality: The film feels like it has been done before.

The rushed ending: The film’s ending feels rushed, and I would have liked to see more of Val and Carter’s relationship.

Overall, Holiday in the Vineyards is a charming and heartwarming Christmas rom-com that will put you in the holiday spirit. It could be better, but it’s a fun, easy watch that is perfect for a cosy night.

Here are some additional thoughts on Holiday in the Vineyards:

The film is rated TV-G, so it is appropriate for all ages.

Holiday in the Vineyards is a Hallmark-style Christmas movie, so if you enjoy those types of films, you will likely enjoy this one.

The film has been praised for its diversity, with a cast of actors of different ethnicities and backgrounds.

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