Leave the World Behind, the 2023 American apocalyptic, psychological thriller film directed by Sam Esmail, is a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of trust, survival, and the breakdown of society. Myha’la Herrold, Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, and Mahershala Ali are the film’s main stars. It follows a family’s vacation that takes a dark turn when they are visited by two strangers bearing news of a mysterious blackout.

As the power goes out and the outside world turns unsettling, two families must rely on each other for survival. Tensions rise with mounting suspicions and revealed hidden agendas. The film masterfully builds suspense, leaving the audience guessing about the threat’s true nature and the characters’ motives.


Leave the World Behind is not just a thrilling mystery; it also raises important questions about our reliance on technology, the fragility of civilization, and the lengths we will go to protect our loved ones. The film’s ending is ambiguous, leaving viewers to ponder the characters’ fates and the future of the world.

Here are some of the critical strengths of Leave the World Behind:
Strong performances

 The cast is uniformly excellent, with Julia Roberts and Mahershala Ali delivering particularly compelling performances.

Suspenseful atmosphere

The viewer is kept interested the entire time by the film’s good pacing.

Thought-provoking themes

The film raises important questions about society, technology, and the human condition.

Beautiful cinematography

The film is visually stunning, with shots of the Long Island landscape that are both breathtaking and unsettling.

However, some viewers may find the film’s ambiguity frustrating and the lack of resolution unsatisfying. Additionally, the film’s slow pace and focus on character development may not appeal to viewers who are looking for a more action-packed thriller.


The intelligently produced film “Leave the World Behind” will linger in the minds of viewers long after the credits roll.For lovers of psychological thrillers and anyone curious about the darker aspects of human nature, it is a must-see.

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