Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell is a 2017 horror comedy film and the sixth installment in the Tremors franchise. The film stars Michael Gross, who reprises his role as Burt Gummer, a skilled graboid hunter. Jamie Kennedy also returns as Travis Welker, Burt’s son. The film was directed by Don Michael Paul and written by Brian Keefe.
The film occurs in the Arctic, where scientists are drilling for ice cores.
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell was a critical and commercial success. The film grossed over $20 million on a budget of $8 million. Critics praised the film for its humor, action, and performances.
What I liked
The return of Michael Gross and Jamie Kennedy. Gross and Kennedy have great chemistry together and are a lot of fun to watch.
The action sequences. The film has excellent action sequences, including a scene where Burt and Travis fight off a group of Graboids with a tank.
The humor. The film is hilarious, and it is full of great one-liners.
The setting. The Arctic setting is an excellent change of pace for the Tremors franchise, making the film feel fresh.
What I didn’t like
The CGI. The CGI effects in the film could be better, especially for the Graboids.
The pacing. The film is slow in the middle.
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell is an excellent addition to the franchise. It is a funny, action-packed film that is sure to please fans of the series.
Here are a few more movie-related details:
I would recommend Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell to fans of the Tremors franchise and anyone who enjoys action comedies.